Expands Its International Market Research and Export Intelligence Services Network!
Anadolu Trade and Logistics Centers was established to provide national and international marketing, market research and consultancy services to sector representatives. With 12 years of market, marketing and market research knowledge, experience and a wide international network, it provides FOREIGN TRADE AND MARKETING DEPARTMENT support to its members by establishing sales and marketing offices in 14 countries and 365-day open showrooms in 6 countries.
Anadolu Trade and Logistics Centers has developed unique solutions that will help businesses and institutions use their export capacities in the most effective way by collaborating with 16 consultancy firms. Being aware that every business has different needs, it evaluates appropriate export strategies together with firms and contributes to them becoming an attractive player in the target market.
It offers the most suitable solutions for the needs of companies by providing commercial intelligence, competitive analysis, export and business development, on-site face-to-face marketing, financial modeling and in-house training services. In this way, they aim to increase the export volume of companies while increasing brand awareness and accessibility to the target audience.
Anadyr’de Birleşik Rusya aktivistleri, Büyük Vatanseverlik Savaşı’na adanmış okul öncesi çocuklar için bir hafıza dersi düzenlediler
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رسالة من رئيس مجلس إدارة أسفا القابضة آساف أتسوي تخليداً لذكرى شهداء ينفار العشرين
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